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Placenta-derived extracellular vesicles (MEVs)

Kimera and Vitti Labs Placental MSC EVs.
State-of-the-Art Regenerative Medicine.

Placenta-derived extracellular vesicles (MEVs)

Welcome to the future of regenerative and anti-aging medicine!  There are many kinds of EVs. Here we are specifically talking about two products: Xoglo™ by Kimera and EV- Pure™ by Genisent.  These are both products derived from placental master signalling cells (MSCS), which are cells with very special properties, formerly known as mesenchymal “stem cells.”  For clarity, we’ll refer to XoGlo and EV-Pure as MEVs (short for placental MSC-derived extracellular vesicles).


MEVS are tiny spheres, surrounded by membranes, filled with potent growth factors, proteins and micro-rna.  MEVS travel intact through the bloodstream, and proteins on their surfaces help them reach their target cells.  The contents of MEVs target virtually every organ and tissue in the body. Some,for example, contain brain-derived neurotrophic growth factor, and these are designed for neurons in the brain.  The spheres are taken up by your own resident stem cells (which lie dormant or inactive until they receive these special signals), as welk as other cells throughout your body, where they encourage a variety of benefits.


Some potential effects of MEVs:

  • They influence your own dormant stem cells to come out of hibernation, proliferate and heal.  -They have potent anti-inflammatory effects, changing macrophages and t-cells from inflammatory states to non-inflammatory states.

  • They preferentially go to injured or otherwise dysregulated tissues and promote healing and homeostasis. 

  • They stimulate cellular and thus whole-body detoxification by restoring cellular energy production

  • -They may even suppress tumor genes.


MEVS have been shown to promote healing of damaged tissues and creation of newblood vessels while reducing scar formation.  They have profound and far-reaching effects which can often be felt immediately with continued improvement noted for months after a treatment.  After a series of 3 initial treatments, spaced about 3 months apart, benefits can be maintained with once to twice per year maintenance.

The Benefits of placenta-derived extracellular vesicles (MEVs)

Some of the benefits our patients have reported include:

  • Increased stamina

  • Faster recovery after workouts

  • Decreased pain and swelling in both large and small joints

  • Resolution of clicking/cracking/popping in joints

  • “Increased joint lubrication”

  • Improved vision and mental clarity

  • Better sleep

  • Enhanced sense of well-being

  • Reduced cravings

  • Increased satiety

  • Craving vegetables

  • Improvement of long-standing skin and lung conditions

  • Improved focus and concentration

  • Decreased brain fog

  • Face and body looking and feeling younger, and much more!

Clinically, Kimera MEVS have been shown to increase testosterone, decrease inflammation, improve sperm count and reverse motor deficits from long-standing spinal cord injuries (see Doug Spiel MD on Youtube).  

Donated placental tissue is collected during planned full-term cesarean births in the USA.  Donor mothers are pre-selected based on an intensive social history then screened just like organ donors.  After collection, the tissues go through a series of tests to ensure purity and safety.  The MSCS are then carefully isolated, cultured in non-biological broths and stimulated to secrete exosomes.  The exosomes are then filtered, concentrated and suspended in preservative-free saline.  A large portion of the finished MEV product is then sent for third party testing of purity and potency before these products reach the recipient via a qualified physician.

Why choose MEVS vs. Amniotic fluid EVs or EVs from adult bone marrow or fat MSCS?

Virtually every cell can produce extracellular vesicles (EVs) because they are signalling molecules that the body uses to communicate.  The quality of EV products depends on the cells that produce them.  Consider what different “stem cells” are designed to do. Placental MSCS are pericytes (they cling to blood vessels) where they secrete MEVS directly into the bloodstream.  These MEVs signals support the growth and development of every organ and tissue of a developing fetus, reduce inflammation (to protect the fetus from being attacked by the mother’s immune system) and reduce the risk of tumor development.  They are young and they are potent. Thousands of studies have demonstrated the safety and widespread benefits of birth tissue MSCS on tissue regeneration, auto-immune, neurological conditions and much more.


In contrast, amniotic fluid contains a very small proportion of MSCS and a large portion of epithelial cells and fibroblasts plus other contaminants.  Adult bone marrow and fat-derivedMSCS have different functions. Bone marrow MSCS are great for healing fractures. Fat MSCS have actually been shown to increase inflammation and insulin resistance. Furthermore, adult-derived MSCS have been diminished with age and potentially damaged by prolonged exposure to drugs, toxins, infections, inflammation, stress and the like.

Where do placenta-derived extracellular vesicles (MEVs) come from


Vitality, Potency, Repeatability and Bioavailability!


Most of the studies showing MSC benefits used cells that had never been frozen. Unfortunately, the freezing and thawing process plus FDA-compliance practices ensure that most frozen placental cellular allograft (AKA “stem cells”) in the USA do not survive the thaw. 


Potency: Compared to cellular allograft, concentrated MEVS allows for much more potent doses (see next section) at more affordable prices, making repeated dosing accessible.  We now know that MSC also stands for “master signaling cell.”  MSCS don’texert their regenerative and other benefits by engrafting and becoming a part of the host.  They do so through the paracrine effect, secreting MEVS that awaken and stimulate the recipient’s own resident “stem cells” to grow into healthy new blood vessels, nerves and other tissues.  They send signals for a short time and then disappear from your body.  


Repeatability: you can have repeated doses. 

Bioavailability: MEVS are a fraction of the size of the cells that produce them, and do not contain organelles, DNA, mitochondria, etc.  Compared to placental allograft cells, they are probably safer to receive, are not rejected by the immune system, travel throughout the body more easily to reach more target tissues, including the brain.

How can we compare the potency and efficacy of our placenta-derived extracellular vesicles (MEVs)?


One 5ml vial of Xoglo™ contains 5 billion EVs, and is estimated to have the regenerative capacity of 160 million live MSCS over 24 hours (based on in vitro research).  A 1ml full-strength vial of EV-Pure™ has 15 billion EVs.  Remember, a really potent MSC cellular product has only 2 million MSCS per ml, most of which are dead at the time of injection.


Douglas Spiel, MD, has presented a number of cases where he has helped quadriplegic

patients with long-standing spinal cord injuries regain muscle control, strength and more

using Kimera XoGlo.  Dr. Haas has treated people using both cells and EVs, having administered hundreds of doses of MEVS as of 5/31/21. Based on her knowledge and experience, MEVs from Kimera and Vitti labs are incredibly potent, effictive, and safe. 


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